Thursday, 18 October 2012

Brave New World…

A suitable opening, since this is entirely new territory for me. So first things first, welcome to the SF Forward blog, a forum for thoughts that find form through broadly science fictional themes.

The idea for the blog developed out of conversations with a friend and colleague of mine after we were involved in organising a science fiction exhibition at the Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery (University of Leeds). Drawing from material in the Library’s Science Fiction collection, the ‘Visions of the Future’ (4 April - 11 June 2011) exhibition explored the history of science fiction artwork, and when it finished we started thinking about ways to promote and provide access to the collection (more on this to follow). While not the largest or rarest in the country, the collection at Leeds is nevertheless an incredibly interesting resource. To give you a quick overview, it comprises over one thousand works, published from the nineteenth century onwards, representing the history and development of the SF genre.

I hope this blog will be a starting point for thinking about works in the collection but will ultimately develop beyond the collection too. So there you have it, my SF Foreword; roll on brave new worlds!

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